Volume 12
Special Volume:
The 100th Anniversary of the Department of International Law and International Organizations
Bohdan Winiarski
A Contribution to the Deliberations on the Relationships Between International Law and Roman Law
Alfons klafkowski
The Forms of Recognition of State Borders After World War II (With Particular Focus on the Arrangements Pertaining to the Polish-German Border)
Krzysztof Skubiszewski
International Responsibility for Occupation Currency
Krzysztof SkubiszeWski
The Relationships and Connections Between International and National Law
Krzysztof SkubiszeWski
The Significance of the Legislative Resolutions of International Organizations for the Development of International Law
BolesłaW Wiewióra
The Notion of the Recognition of Territorial Acquisition
Anna Michalska
Public Emergency Threatening the Life of the Nation
Jan Sandorski
The Invalidity of International Treaties and Jus Cogens
Jerzy Tyranowski
The Economic Aspects of Sovereignty and Self-Determination in Contemporary International Law. Basic Issues
Tadeusz Gadkowski
The Principle of Good-Neighbourliness in International Nuclear Law
Adam Mickiewicz University Law Review
Collegium Iuridicum św. Marcin 90 61-809 Poznań